Training & Workshops
At Bryks, we offer high-quality, tailored legal and accounting in-house training and workshops in plain English.
Our training and workshops solutions to your business ensure that your business remains compliant with legislation, up to date with modern business practices and the latest developments across a range of areas of the law.
At Bryks, we offer training in a range of legal risk management areas by experienced lawyers in areas including:
Competition and Consumer Act (formerly Trade Practices Act)
Personal Property Securities Act (PPSA and PPSR)
Directors duties and liabilities
International contracts
Doing Business Overseas
Start up legal training
We tailor each of the training sessions and workshops to your industry and your specific business needs. Please contact us if you wish to receive any further information about training or workshop sessions (whether listed here or not) or how we can help you at your next legal or accounting in-house training seminars or workshops.